Performance Assessment Series - Volume II - Issue XII

Posted on
December 24, 2022
David Simpson

When we were kids in the backyard, playing astronauts and rockstars

No one told us to stop it or call it unrealistic

Then suddenly you are eighteen, go to college for your plan “B”

What you want is too risky, live for weekends and whiskey

We all got these big ideas, one day they are replaced by fears

How did we get here?


Don’t quit your daydream, it’s your life that you are making

It ain’t big enough if it doesn’t scare the hell out of you

I fit makes you nervous it is probably worth it

Why save it for sleep when you could be living your daydream


Thirty-one, waiting tables, she has the voice of an angel, out of money out of power

She only sings in the shower, all these things we say we will get to

Shot down by reasons not to


So scared of failure we fail to try, turning around before the finish line

Gotta fall for a minute before you can fly, so why save it for sleep when you could be living your dream.

With some minor modifications because of space, these are the lyrics of a song called Daydream by Ms. Lily Meola – a young up-and coming singer.  As we get ready to start a new year, you may want to take these words to heart.  And please do consider passing this circular along to everyone you know.  It just may inspire someone to help change our world for the better.  

Be safe everyone and have a great holiday season!  

Perform Better!

Posted on
December 24, 2022
in the
Performance Assessment Series
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