We create amazing Webflow templates for creative people all around the world and help brands stand out.
According to Dr. Martha Stout Ph.D., about four percent of the North American population is sociopathic.
These two phrases are, at times, mistakenly used interchangeably. In the case of anxiety attacks, almost everyone can have some level of anxiety at one time or another.
One reason is that people find video wears them out. 85% of communication is non-verbal and understanding those cues on camera is much more difficult
When thinking about how to best maximize your team members in these incredibly challenging times, you can ask yourself about each person’s strengths and weaknesses.
Given these times, it is hardly surprising that many C-suite executives, including their team and family members, are experiencing significant stress and psychological discomfort.
Every CEO I know is perennially looking for team members who have the capability of taking on more senior roles. No big surprise, so let’s move on.
Achievement is often about “hanging on.” It is about having to deal with one problem after another and still moving forward.