Dr. Robert Hare is a world-renowned, Canadian psychologist who has studied psychopathy for 40+ years. He is a Professor Emeritus at the University of British Columbia (UBC) and keeps his office location on the campus a heavily guarded secret in order to provide protection from the many psychopaths he has dealt with over the years. Let’s look at this mental disorder by the numbers. Percentage of the general population who are psychopaths: 1%. Percentage of people in prison who are psychopaths: 25%: Percentage of CEO’s who are psychopaths: up to 20%. Corporate psychopaths typically possess strong “surface” interpersonal skills. But behind the “mask” is someone who never feels guilt; is totally self-centered; almost always flawless with words; is a masterful liar; has no empathy; enjoys getting “thrills” by cheating; and is cunning enough to hide right in plain sight. When a candidate looks too good to be true……be on guard…….!!!!!! We have prepared as short brief to help you identify the psychopath in an interview. It is yours for the asking.