Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer is a fictional reindeer created by Robert May in 1939 (July 27, 1905 – August 11, 1976). May spent most of his career as a copywriter. So, he was a “natural” to be tapped by his boss at Montgomery Ward, an online department store (these days) to create a combination story and coloring book that the retailer could give away to children. May originally wanted to name his reindeer Rollo or Reginald. But he settled on Rudolph, mostly because of his daughter’s affection for the deer at the Lincoln Park Zoo in Chicago. By the way, the inspiration for Rudolph’s bright red nose came from May staring out an office window and watching a fog roll in! And as a last thought on Rudolph, if you think your corporate role might be tough sometimes, give consideration to the fact that it took 24 separate sketches to create ONE second of film animation for the Rudolph “movie.” May’s creation was an instant success! In the first year alone, Montgomery Ward gave away 2.4 million copies of his storybook!
If you are considering donating toys this year, something to consider is that North America has about 3.5% of the world’s children but consumes 44% of the world’s toys. So, giving to a North American charity would be great. However, donating to an international aid organization might be terrific as well! And a word to the wise…we took the initiative to ask a number of charities what kids might like most. Their replies all carried the same common theme—many children who would love to love a toy live in modest circumstances. So, it was suggested that it would be best if the toys you wish to donate are loveable but on the smaller side.
Perform better and Happy Holidays!