“We all do “do re mi” but you must find the other notes yourself.”

Louis Armstrong (August 4,1901-July 6,1971) jazz trumpeter, vocalist

Posted on
August 31, 2024
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In case you are wondering, “do re mi” is a tune from Rogers and Hammerstein, written in 1959.  It was used in the musical movie, “The Sound of Music, starring Julie Andrews and Christopher Plummer in 1965.”

It’s somewhat hard to believe that I started Simpson Associates more than forty years ago. Yikes!  In that time, one, hopefully, learns a few things along the way.

One of those things happened quite by happenstance a good number of years ago.  I was speaking to one of our team members and the person indicated that she reasonably often received calls from people who were learning all about the TAIS psychological assessment instrument as to how they could go about copying my approach to the whole process of interpreting any given testing result (now there is a bad idea if I ever heard one)!  To my team member’s credit, she always told callers that they had to find their own path with regard to the life-long learning the TAIS requires.

As senior executives, it is likely that you will have some “up and comers” who will want to copy you.  I encourage you to give those folks this Quote of the Month.  The truth, as I see it, is that you are a unique individual who developed your own style over many years.  Every last one of those people who you mentor, or others who merely “fly” close to your orbit, will have to find their own way.  Trying to copy you is not a good idea.  As with many things in life, there are no short cuts!  

Perform better!

Posted on
August 31, 2024
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